Parish Council’s responses can be seen on Mendip’s planning application website.
Planning applications
The Batch, Highcroft Lane BA3 4PT – APP/Q3305/W/19/3225389
Appeal against refused lawful development certificate for application 2018/3078/PAA
Planning Inspectorate appeal page. No consultation Outcome: awaited
The Batch, Highcroft Lane BA3 4PT – 2019/01888/PAA
Application for lawful development certificate to convert a barn into a dwelling.
No response – technical issue Outcome: Refused
Tralee, Binegar Lane BA3 4TR – 2019/1488/HSE
Replace rear extension with single/two-storey building and loft conversion.
We recommend: To be agreed Outcome: Approved
Bothie House, Station Road BA3 4UG – 2019/0449/HSE
Stone and oak construction porch with tile roof.
We agree to support planning officer’s decision Outcome: Approved
The Batch, Highcroft Lane BA3 4PT – 19/00002/REFPA
Appeal against refused lawful development certificate for application 2018/2245/PAA
Planning Inspectorate appeal page No consultation Outcome: awaited
The Batch, Highcroft Lane BA3 4PT – 2019/0161/PAA
Application for lawful development certificate to convert a barn into a dwelling
No response – technical issue Outcome: Refused
Marchant’s Hill House, Portway Lane, BA3 4TZ – 2019/0111/LBC
Application for various alterations to a listed building.
We recommend approval Outcome: Approved
The Portway, Turner’s Court Lane, BA3 4UA – 2019/0035/OTA
Outline application to erect a farm worker’s dwelling with all matters reserved.
We agree to support planning officer’s decision Outcome: approved
The Batch, Highcroft Lane BA3 4PT – 2018/3078/FUL
Erection of a two storey detached dwelling house
We agree to support planning officer’s decision Outcome: refused
The Old Post Office, Marchant’s Hill BA3 4TY – 2018/2950/HSE
Second storey extension over existing and a single storey rear extension
We recommend approval Outcome: Approved
4 Dalleston BA3 4UA – 2018/2835/HSE
Application for two-storey side extension and single storey rear extension
We recommend approval Outcome: Approved
The Portway, Turner’s Court Lane BA3 4UA – 18/00034/ENF
Appeal against Enforcement Order relating to refused application 2016/0908/OTS
No consultation Outcome: Appeal upheld
Old Down Caravan site, BA3 4SA – 2018/2376/CLE
Application to allow year-round occupation
We recommend refusal Outcome: Approved
Brynlee, Binegar Lane BA3 4TR – 2018/2417/FUL
Application to replace garage with two bed bungalow
We recommend approval with a proviso Outcome: Approved
The Batch, Highcroft Lane BA3 4TP – 2018/2245/PAA
Conversion of barn to a dwelling
We agree: leave to planning officer Outcome: Refused
Southview Farm, Station Road BA3 4UG – 2018/2277/HSE
Single storey front and rear extensions
We agree: leave to planning officer Outcome: Approved
5 Dalleston, Binegar, BA3 4UD – 2017/1797/FUL
Appeal against refusal for 2-bed dwelling and parking – appeal decision
We recommend refusal Outcome: Appeal dismissed
Glebe Acres, Station Road BA3 4UG – 2018/1837/PAA
Conversion of barn to a dwelling
No response to prior application Outcome: Approved
The Batch, Highcroft Lane, Binegar BA3 4TP – 2018/0225/FUL
Erection of two-storey, three bed, detached dwelling
We agree: leave to planning officer Outcome: Withdrawn 12 April 2018
Land west of Flowerstone, Binegar, BA3 4UG – 2018/0255/OTS
Residential development of 15 dwellings and ancillary works
We recommend refusal Outcome: Refused 25 April 2018
Alfie’s Court, Binegar, BA3 4UA – 2016/2573/FUL
Application for utility room, fence and shed.Initial response, December 2016
Response to first change of plan, January 2017
Response to second change of plan, December 2017
We recommend refusal Outcome: Approved
5 Dalleston, Binegar, BA3 4UD – 2017/1797/FUL
2-bed dwelling and parking
We recommend refusal Outcome: Refused
The Bothie House, Binegar, BA3 4UG – 2017/1507/HSE
Timber garden summerhouse to rear of property
We agree: accept planning officer’s decision Outcome: Approved
Land west of Flowerstone, Binegar, BA3 4UG – 2016/2909/OTS
Residential development of 17 dwellings and ancillary works
We recommend refusal Outcome: Refused
Alfie’s Court, Binegar, BA3 4UA – 2015/2684/FUL
Construction of utility room, porch and shed.
We recommend refusal Outcome: Application withdrawn 13 July 2016
Marchant’s Hill Barn, Portway Lane, Binegar BA3 4TZ – 2013/0775/—
Status of occupation of dwelling.
Council not consulted Outcome: “Disposed of” – reverts to status as holiday let
5 Dalleston, Turner’s Court Lane, BA3 4UD – 2016/1446/LCD
Lawful development certificate for garage, workshop, store, plant, WC, endless pool, timber fence, access and parking.
Council not consulted Outcome: development not lawful
The Portway, Turner’s Court Lane, BA3 4UA – 2016/0908/OTS
Outline application for construction of farm worker’s dwelling with all matters reserved.
We recommend approval Outcome: refused
1 Slade Cottages,Gurney Slade BA3 4TG – 2016/0951/HSE
Conversion of garage into disabled accommodation.
We recommend approval Outcome: approved
Stone Edge Cottage, Gurney Slade BA3 4TT – 2016/0891/HSE
Construction of detached garage.
We recommend approval Outcome: approved
Church of the Holy Trinity, BA3 4UG – 2016/2651/CLE
Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use of land to establish that the land is within the curtilage of the church
Under consideration Outcome: Cemetery and any development not lawful
2 Flowerstone, Binegar, BA3 4UQ – 2016/0237/HSE
House extension to side and rear.
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: approved
Field south of Bennett’s Lane, Binegar, BA3 4TR – 2016/0274/FUL
Construction of a 3-bay barn, which is required for our developing sheep holding for the storage of fodder, equipment and lambing/severe weather protection of animals.
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: approved
Coombe End, Binegar, BA3 4TR – 2016/0002/TPO
Felling of two ash trees.
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: refused
Field south of Bennett’s Lane, Binegar, BA3 4UG – 2015/2204/FUL
Construction of an agricultural barn for storage of machinery, hay, etc. Also for lambing and shelter of sheep in bad weather.
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: application withdrawn
Land adjacent to Holy Trinity Church, Binegar BA3 4UD – 2015/1764/FUL
Erection of a detached dwelling and formation of a car park to serve the Church.
We recommend refusal Outcome: refused
5 Dalleston, Turner’s Court Lane, Binegar BA3 4UD – 2015/1830/OTS
Erection of dwelling and alteration to access.
We recommend refusal Outcome: refused
7 Flowerstone, Station Road, Binegar BA3 4UQ – 2015/0632/HSE
Two and single storey rear extentions and replacement of detached garage.
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: approved with conditions
The Portway, Turner’s Court Lane, Binegar BA3 4UA – 2014/2742/FUL
Application to maintain the siting of an agricultural worker’s dwelling.
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: refused
4 Dalleston BA3 4UD – 2015/0309/FUL
Conversion of garage/store to detached dwelling and construction of new access.
We recommend refusal Outcome: application withdrawn
5 Dalleston BA3 4UD – 2015/0500/OTS
Construction of new access and detached house with integral garage.
We recommend refusal Outcome: application withdrawn
Meadwood House, Binegar Lane BA3 4TR – 2015/0622/TPO
Felling of oak tree.
Parish not consulted Outcome: approved with conditions
High Banks, Binegar Lane BA3 4TR – 2015/0016/FUL
Construction of new access, two detached houses and garage for High Banks.
We recommend refusal Outcome: approved with conditions
Coombe End, Binegar Lane BA3 4TR – 2014/2676/TPO
Felling of beech and ash trees, coppicing of other trees along woodland edge.
Ashwick Parish consulted Outcome: approved with conditions
4 Dalleston, Turner’s Court Lane BA3 4UD – 2014/2116/FUL
Change of use of garage/store into detached house.
Emborough Parish consulted Outcome: application withdrawn
High Banks, Binegar Lane, Gurney Slade BA3 4TR – 2014/1935/FUL
Construction of 3 detached houses and garages with new access.
We recommend refusal Outcome: refused
High Banks, Binegar Lane, Gurney Slade BA3 4TR – 2014/1749/FUL
Construction of new porch, two storey extension and garden room.
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: approved
Marchant’s Hill House, Portway Lane, Binegar BA3 4TZ – 2014/1783/LBC
Replacement of porch.
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: approved with conditions
Bennett’s Lane, Binegar BA3 4UL – 2014/1526/PAA
Prior approval of change of use of an agricultural building to a dwelling
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: refused
Marchants Hill, Gurney Slade BA3 4TY – 2014/1287/TEL
Prior approval to erect 20m mast, 6 antennae and 3 dishes
Council not consulted Outcome: approved
Broom Close Corner, Roemead Road BA3 4UL – 2014/1046/PAC
Prior approval of change of use of an agricultural building to a dwelling
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: refused
Land south of Hylands, Hycroft Lane, Binegar – 2014/1030/FUL
Erection of a dwelling
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: approved with conditions
Land at Tralee, Binegar Lane – 2014/0905/FUL
Erection of two storey dwelling house and relocation of parking to host property
We agree: support planning officer’s decision Outcome: approved with conditions
Land to rear of Flowerstone, Station Road – 2014/0492/OTA
Application for outline permission for a housing development
We recommend: refuse Outcome: application withdrawn
Turner’s Court Lane: land by Dalleston – 2014/0045/FUL
Change of use to one traveller’s pitch (mobile home, caravan, hard standing)
We recommend: refuse Outcome: approval of conditions pending
Highcroft Quarry – 2014/0038/CNT (Somerset County Council)
Deposit of inert waste materials for ground remodelling and restoration to agriculture
We recommend: refuse Outcome: approved with conditions
Land by Holy Trinity Church, Station Road – 2013/2360/FUL
Proposed erection of one detached two-storey dwelling with ancillary garaging
We recommend: refuse Outcome: withdrawn
Binegar School, Tellis Lane– 2013/2289/FUL
Proposed conversion to form a single dwelling
We recommend: approval Outcome: approved
Floods and flood prevention
Culvert inspection: December 2013
The Council received this from the County’s Flood Risk Management Team:
A contractor carried out a CCTV survey of the Binegar Lane/Gurney Slade culvert on the 6 December 2013. The survey reveals silt, coarse deposits and blockages at various locations and that sections of the culvert are made up of different materials with variations in shapes and dimensions. Consequently, some sections of the culvert were not accessible for the camera and therefore could not be surveyed.
The contractor estimated that at least two weeks of works would be required to remove the blockages, etc. and the work is likely to cost over £30,000. Most of the problems were identified at sections which fall within the Riparian Owners’ responsibility and the small section under the highway. Unfortunately, due to the significant cost it is very unlikely that the funding required to resolve the issues will be available. However, should any funding becomes available, the County will let you know if the scheme meets the application criteria.
The overgrown vegetation at the opening of the culvert by A37 was reported to Highways previously. The Highway Department is adamant that it is not the Riparian Owner but that the responsibility lies with the Post Office. As there are no records to prove its ownership, the County cannot take any action to request that this is maintained by the Highways or any other party.
Survey plan