
Binegar Playground
The playground has swings, slides, climbing frames, roundabouts and lots more to keep children happy for hours.  All yours, courtesy of Binegar Playing Fields Group.


The Memorial Hall
Terrific for all kinds of events, the Hall is available for hire.  Call 01749 841494.
Registered charity 304486


The Parish Council has a footpaths officer to liaise with the County over any problems. Use the Contact Us page for any reports. Click here to see the footpaths map.


East Mendip Gardening Club
If you like gardening, have a garden or just want to know more about plants, join the club.  We are a friendly club with members and visitors from all over the East Mendips.  Meetings are held in Ashwick Village Hall usually on the 4th Tuesday of the month with talks starting at 7 30 pm.  There are ten talks a year, two visits, a plant sale and a produce show.  All good fun!

Call Adel Avery on 01749 840240 or email adel@nettlebridge.com.

Local Photos By Local People